Save time with eltra analyzers minimal sample preparation

In elemental analysis, sample preparation is of course one of the most important factors behind accurately analyzing samples with an elemental combustion analyzer. It is definitely time consuming. The sample, depending on if it is organic or inorganic, needs to ground, dried, mixed with an accelerator or other chemical and then finally placed in a suitable testing medium such as a crucible or boat. Everything needs to be carefully recorded, and sample runs need to be done to ensure accuracy. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just throw in the samples and press “GO”? A bit like using the microwave.


Modern technology is always on the go, and the team at ELTRA GmbH in Germany have been hard at work to be the leaders in the sector of elemental analyzers. The computerized system records all required data and the functional design of the analyzer means that it can analyze organic and inorganic samples at the same time, even refractory metals and alloys can be analyzed, all with a minimal no-fuss approach to sample preparation. The correct concentration of carbon, hyrdrogen, sulfur and other elements are easily determined with the ELTRA range of analyzers.

To find out more about the following products, please contact Eltra Africa on 011 818 6600 or

(click for PDF manual)

CHS 580 Carbon, Hydrogen and Sulfur Analyzer

CHS-580A “Helios” – Automated Carbon and Sulfur Analyzers (ideal for high load laboratories)

ONH 900 and 2000 Series – Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen Analyzers

To see the full range please go to the Instrument Sales page on this website